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September 13th 2011

Return to the Goblin City, our new Labyrinth collection!

It’s been an exciting week here at Truffle Towers, mainly thanks to the long awaited launch of our brand new, official and exclusive range of Labyrinth T-shirts. It’s something we’ve wanted to be able to represent on the site for what feels like years so getting the opportunity to work closely with the amazing Jim Henson Company to create our very own tribute range has been totally awesome in every way. We’ve been tweaking and perfecting this collection over the last few months so it’s been such a great feeling to finally unleash the tees to all you TruffleShufflers and we are so happy with the fantastic response they’ve all received!

As one of the designers of the range, it was a great experience to return to the fantastical world of the Goblin City and really get under the skin of one of the all-time ultimate 80’s classics! We started with David Bowie and his genius turn as the Goblin King Jareth and we were of course inspired by his outrageous fashion (those skin tight leggings made a particularly big impression…) and the ultra catchy song from the film (Dance Magic Dance!). After playing with lots of ideas, we plumped for a really cool flyer style design for what would clearly be the coolest club night in the world! Check it out below….

We also had to feature Ludo, the bumbling best friend we wish we all had, and of course that cute cheeky worm who was always around to say “Ello!”

Although we knew you guys loved the worm as much as we did, even we were surprised by just how much – this design pretty much sold out after 24 hours on the site and has even been snapped up by the fabulous Una Healy from The Saturdays who even tweeted a pic of her wearing it!

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September 6th 2011

Who Ya Gonna Call?

This week we've just launched a brand new collection of Ghostbusters T-shirts from Fame and Fortune.  Of course this got everyone in the office buzzing, but I was most excited of all cause designing these Tees was my first ever project for TruffleShuffle!  Seeing the final results of my work is such a great feeling and it took me back to when I had just started working here as a designer.  For me there couldn’t have been a more perfect starting point as I am a huge fan of the classic film, I remember that I couldn’t wait to get started!

The first step towards building a new collection of tees is to really research your subject, so luckily for me it was the perfect opportunity to spend an evening in and watch the film again for the 100th time, any excuse will do!  I knew there were a number of bases I had to cover, everyone loves Stay Puft, Slimer is a definite and we really wanted to see the Ecto-1, but it was really useful (and fun) to see the film again as it refreshed my mind and reminded me of some really classic catchphrases and scenes.  It was the best way to get me back in the Ghostbusting state of mind!

As well as the ultra popular “Who ya gonna call?” and “I ain’t afraid of no ghost” I loved the phrases “Don’t cross the streams” and “When the light is green the trap is clean” and was determined to get them included on one of the tees!

I also included the Ghostbusters Montage design to show our four heroes fighting against some of the monsters from the film as well as a special appearance from the ghost best know from the films main logo!

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August 11th 2011


There was an air of happy happy joy joy when we heard Chunk were doing a range of Ren and Stimpy tees. To celebrate here’s a cocktail of moments to remind you of the intense, sometimes gross comedy of the psychotic Chihuahua Ren and his dim witted life partner Stimpy.

I can’t believe we got to watch this as kids, the twisted, disturbing and most of the time disgusting humor of Ren and Stimpy is firmly lodged in the nasal cavity of our generations subconscious mind!

If you remember any gross out Ren and Stimpy moments be sure to let us know and don’t forget to cast your grubby eyes over our new Chunk range of Ren and Stimpy tees including the especially for us, exclusive ladies designs!


June 23rd 2011

Chunk – A great British t-shirt brand!

Hi my name’s Simon and I’m a Chunkaholic. There I said it. Now, If you haven’t come across any of our men’s T-shirts from Chunk then you’re in for a right treat. I’ll start with a quick history lesson...

Chunk started back in 2001 having launched some designs all based on the Haynes Car Manuals iconic cover illustrations. Ten years on and Chunk is now one of the UK’s leading urban street-wear labels. Chunk’s ethos was, and still is, to produce great designs on quality garments, targeting 18-35 year old males with a strong emphasis on cool nostalgia. Famous for their bold graphics, tongue-in-cheek humour and unique design quirks, Chunk now has worked with some of the biggest licenses in the world, which include Marvel, Hanna Barbera, Fremantle Media (Danger Mouse) and Lucas Films (Star Wars) – for which Chunk won a licensing award in 2007 for its Star Wars range. The future promises to be incredibly bright for Chunk as the brand expands into even more retro goodness further cementing its reputation as a great British brand.

With offering a massive range of amazing retro t-shirts, gifts and accessories we get to see cool new stuff all the time. But for me nothing matches the excitement of a new Chunk catalogue turning up because I know it will be full of amazing new designs. It’s their ‘outside the box’ approach to designing a t-shirt that I love, generally taking a familiar character such as Darth Vader or Mr.T and putting them in an unusual situation, IT’S GENIUS. I could only wish that when I’m down at the coast for a cheeky weekend surf that I catch a Stormtrooper ‘out the back’ riding that perfect wave or driving past my local scrap yard would reveal that Mr.T, Luke and Bo Duke, Michael Knight and the Trotters famous ‘rides’ had reached the end of their lives (probably due to the government Scrappage scheme!!). Only t-shirts from Chunk make this happen.

EXCLUSIVE Men's Star Wars Surfing Storm Trooper T-Shirt from Chunk!Men's Trash TV Car Pile Up T-Shirt from Chunk

Here’s some of my current favourites T-shirts from Chunk that you can buy RIGHT NOW!

Men's Black Street Vader T-Shirt from Chunk - £27.99

Men's White Clonestock T-Shirt from Chunk - £27.99

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May 27th 2011

“What’s A Grown Man Doing Watching Pro Wrestling?”

A close friend once asked me this very question with an air of shame in his voice. I honestly can't say that I answered him as I was too busy witnessing the Rock stare down Hulk Hogan at yet another sold out Wrestlemania. I guess my ability to zone out when the wrestling is on comes from just years and years of being a fan of the strange and yet somehow (not so) beautiful erm ugh sport??!

You see back in the early 80's when I was a wee nipper, on Saturday afternoons just after Saturday superstore and before the A-Team, on I.T.V's World of Sport was Professional Wrestling and not the over the top glamed up wrestling we know today. This was British Wrestling, this was two burly men in leotards, two big sometimes overweight often middle aged men in skin tight lycra, gut barging, eye gauging and head locking their way out of our TV set. The two biggest names of the time were Big Daddy (who my Nan loved and my Granddad knew he could beat) and Giant Haystacks, a scary hairy monster of a man at 6 foot 5 and over 20 stone. Each week these behemoths in spandex would fight in village halls in front of old biddies swinging handbags and chanting "easy easy easy", etching their legendary rivalry into the history books. Eventually their epic rivalry came to an end when Big Daddy gut barged Giant Haystacks out of the ring and through a table for a ten count making Big Daddy the winner in front of a sold out Wembley arena.

Sadly the wrestling stopped on Saturday afternoons but my love for this uniquely brutal form of entertainment did not die. By the time I got to Primary School most of my friends had acquired cable TV and a new group of heroes. Gone was the argument of "who would win in a fight Big Daddy or Superman?", no now it was "who would win in a fight, Hulk Hogan or Superman?". I'd hear playtime stories of Andre the Giant an actual freaky giant at 7 foot 5, The Ultimate Warrior and Hulk Hogan a man with a handle bar moustache, a silky white mullet and skin orange and shiny.

They all seemed way too mythical to be real to me but the stories kept coming. The Biggest story at the time was when Hulk Hogan finally slammed Andre the Giant at Wrestlemania 3, Andre was huge well over 500 pounds (I never realised pounds was weight, I just thought it was a lot of money). Gone were the chants of "easy easy easy" now we chanted "USA USA USA", We weren't even American, it made little sense but nothing did and it was fun.

Every playtime we would group together and do "Ible oble black bobble ible oble out" to see who got be Hulk Hogan and one at a time would line up to get slammed on the grass when the teachers weren't watching. Most the time, in fact every time it would end with someone shouting "Pile On!!" and us in massive heap on the grass laughing and screaming, a teacher would shout "break it up" and we would walk heads down with grass stained knees back to class.

I don't know if can answer my friends question. I guess pro wrestling is like a man’s version of Coronation Street or Eastenders. You get a bit of a story, a lot of bad acting and some violence - what more do you want? Just take this advice from Hulk Hogan "Train hard, take your vitamins and say your prayers" oh and "What you gonna Doooo, Watcha gonna do Brother when Hulkamania Runs wild on you?"

May 18th 2011

We Need Your Help!

TruffleShuffle are hugely excited and extremely proud to have been nominated for the Best User Experience in the Online Fashion Awards!!

This is all down to you, our wonderful customers, so a huge thank you to all who voted for us. We are up against the likes of Net-A-Porter, Trilogy and John Lewis, which we think is pretty good company to be in so we are chuffed and feel very honoured.

So now comes the next step - the final vote. Our amazing customers helped us get through to the short list and we are hoping you can get voting again, this time for the win! All you need to do is follow this link and vote for your favourite online retailer in each category. We are in the Best User Experience, section 7 and you have till Friday 24th June to get your votes in.

But that's not all - every vote gives you a chance of winning some fabulous prizes:

1st prize: A £500 shopping spree at Swarovski, Great Marlborough Street, London, including champagne in the Swarovski Crystallized Lounge. Plus a one-night stay for two, including breakfast, at the The Langham Hotel, London.

2nd prize: A Coquette vintage glamour pamper day, worth £180, for you and a guest at Kettner's restaurant and champagne bar in Soho, including a meal at the restaurant and champagne. The lucky winner and their guest will also an extra-special Benefit goody bag.

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