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January 30th 2021 by Iain

How To Throw The Perfect Valentines Day Stay At Home 'Night Out'.

With the big day looming and all typical plans well and truly out the window, Valentine's Day is, of course, still a totally amazing chance to do something special and enjoy some time with loved ones and besties. We all know we could do with SOMETHING to look forward to huh!

With the usual stresses gone like trying to book a table basically anywhere, we know there is now just one big stress... what the heck are you going to do?!

With this in mind, we thought we would share some of our favourite ideas and inspiration to help you put together the ideal Valentine's Day lockdown night in. Enjoy!

Bring out the boardgames

Yep, an ideal break from your screens and an amazing way to simply 'be' together. Worth together on something fun like a jigsaw puzzle, or perhaps battle it out in as classic board game like Monopoly.

DC Comics Batman Cluedo

Mix It Up With Cocktails

I mean this is a classic huh! Sure to be plenty of fun and means you can get creative or follow a guide for their favourite tipple (probably safer!).

Check out some handy online guides we found for some total classics...


Mai Tai



Disney Lilo and Stitch Aloha Cup with Straw from Funko

Cook Their Perfect Meal

We'd like to say this one is simple enough, but you should see us in the kitchen! Pick out their favourite 'special' meal or maybe just go for something new and interesting. Either way, what could they not love about this?

Star Wars Death Star Silicone Spatula from Funko

Create a Spa Experience

Noooow we're talking! Sadly, spending the day at your favourite Spa might not be on the cards this year, so why not bring a taste of that experience to them with some fun and totally pampering treats like our Disney Face Sheets (great for while watching a Disney classic) or even some bath fizzers for a soak in the tub.

Disney Animals Set of 4 Sheet Face Masks from Mad Beauty

Throw a Quiz Night

This one is super easy! You can make it personal by making questions about your time together, places you've been, things you've done etc, or both put yourselves to the test with some of our quiz cards where maybe a wrong answer means a forfeit!

Friends Trivia Quiz

Watch a Classic Movie

With SO many amazing movies available now at the click of a button (remember having to go rent tapes back in the day? Yes... we're that old), it's never been easier to pick a classic and one of their favourite films to enjoy with some drinks and snacks - Nachos for major brownie points here!

Got one step further and set the mood just right with our cosy lamps too!

Star Wars Mandalorian Baby Yoda The Child Lamp

Do a Treasure Hunt!

Now this will take some work but will totally be worth it. Hide little gifts with clues to the next around the house. Clues can be things like... I hold your head when you go to bed - pillow. You get it. We have plenty of amazing gifts that they'll love to seek out too!

Friends Fridge Magnets


There you have them, folks! Just a few ideas to get you on your way to creating the perfect Valentine's Day night in. Got any more ideas? Let us know on our Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. We'd love to hear more.