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The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 230
Great volcano! Another weekend, another time for retro movie rundown!
With the trees blowing and the tops of puddles shuffling, the cold winter winds are finally here. Braving the elements, we'll grab our trusty, if not sometimes tangled kite and head for the hills. With a might leap, we'll throw our plastic hero up into the... well not clouds but pretty high. Tugging at the lifeline of string, we'll watch our kite dance, duck and dive in the air before stopping to capture this moment forever on celluloid wonder.
Have a happy retro weekend!
The Borrowers (1997) Film4 2:45pm-4:25pm (1 hour 40 minutes)
Spruce up your walls in retro style!
Wall art is a really simple and easy way to spruce up any room and we've got a very cool selection that can give your home a stylish and retro touch, you'll be the envy of every visitor!
Whether you're a movie buff, retro gamer or music lover we've got all bases covered with fab original art for such retro icons as Labyrinth, Back to the Future, Marvel Comics, Sega, David Bowie, Roald Dahl, Coca-Cola and sooooo much more! Whatever your taste, there's definitely something for everyone at a range of prices that really won't break the bank! Let's take a look...
We're particularly proud of our Harry Potter art collection with a range of magical framed prints featuring the likes of Sirius Black, Bellatrix, Lucius and of course Harry himself. We also have a Hogwarts crest for those of you wishing to be a wizard in training!
The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 209
Crisps and dips! It's Retro Movie Rundown O'Clock!
So with an entire weekend of classic movie goodness topped with some more modern releases icing, we find ourselves once again stashing up on all the essentials needed to complete our movie mission; milk in the fridge (for cereal and tea making abilities), big soft duvet, chocolate for obvious reasons and of course a whoooooole bunch of time and quiet....which is usually where things fall apart. With all these things in place, it's time to draw the curtains, unplug the phone (is that still a thing?) and dive into the weekends movies! See you there.
Have a happy retro weekend!
SATURDAY 20th August
TruffleShuffle's Top 'Movie Logic' Moments.
So we love movies..... mean we REALLY love movies! We have the simply amazing pleasure to talk about movies each and every day amongst ourselves and with all you guys on our social media pages and profiles and we still never tire of them. Whether it's reminiscing about the films we watched growing up (and still watch of course) or perhaps the films that are being released now or in the future, getting our fill of film goodness is part of the job when we've tasked ourselves with providing some of THEEE best movie merchandise online. It's a chore... we know!
As much as we do love films (have we mentioned?), there are plenty of things about them which seem weirdly so much not like actual life. Naturally dramatic effect and creative inspiration are some of the best parts of any film, however some things have perhaps been around the block a few times and have become... well... expected even when they don't really make any sense.
So! To highlight some of these little things we've noticed over our years, we put together some of our favourite 'Movie Logic' moments. Enjoy!
> Big industrial lights make a loud noise when they turn on...
Chunk! Chunk! Chunk! as they light up the giant open space in sequence. We have a warehouse and sadly this just doesn't happen, no matter how hard we try. They all turn on at one with perhaps a very slight hum. Booooooring!
Jungle Book (2016) - The Review
"The film that is the Jungle V.I.P."
Bill Murray, Neel Sethi, Ben Kingsley, Idris Elba, Lupita Nyong'o, Scarlett Johansson, Christopher Walken, Giancarlo Esposito
Jon Favreau
The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 175
Holy hand grenade! It's time for another retro movie weekend!
So like many eager, stressed but undeterred Christmas shoppers in the land, we find ourselves once again facing a truly Herculean task of finding, grabbing and wrapping the perfect gift for all of our nearest and dearest. Just like the choice of top retro films this weekend, we'll be met with a sea of choices with each one battling for our attention. We'll pick out only the perfect selection to take home and let nothing get in our way in creating the perfect festive day.
Happy retro weekend!
SATURDAY 7th December