You Know You Grew Up In The 80s If...
As specialists in the finest 80s clothing on the web (yes I'm biased!) it's actually part of our job description to spend a good hour or two daydreaming of the greatest era ever every day. Growing up in the Eighties was a real treat and installed in us the knowledge to make some of the greatest retro tees just for you lucky guys! So take a couple of minutes out from your busy day to reminisce with me, You know you grew up in the 80s if...
...Saturday mornings were spent watching Going Live, wishing you had your own Gordon the Gopher.
...Your ideal classmate would have been Tucker Jenkins from Grange Hill.
...You had a hairstyle inspired by King of Mullets Pat Sharp.
...You spent ages thinking about which Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle you would be, everyone wanted to be Raphael right!?
...You can recite the whole rap from The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air. "Now this is a story all about how, my life got flipped, turned upside down..." You're singing along now, right!?
...You had enough time to complete computer games over and over again, and you still never got bored of them!
...You watched every episode of Jem but were secretly cheering on the Misfits, they had better songs!
...You knew what Willis was "talking' bout".
...You saved up pocket money every week to scare yourself with a new Point Horror book!
...You planned a hundred different trips that you would make in the Delorean.
...You dreamed of going on Funhouse, The Crystal Maze and Knightmare.
...You wanted to get mouth to mouth resuscitation from Pamela Anderson, but definitely not from David Hasselhoff.
...The Skesis from the Dark Crystal still gives you nightmares.
...You had a slow dance at the School Disco to True by Spandau Ballet.
...You wanted to live under the sea with Ariel.
...You would always argue in the playground about what was better, Nintendo or Sega.
...You kept trying to get the high score on Pac-Man but could never quite make it!
...You would spend hours perfecting mix-tapes and then play them to death, extra points if you were skilled enough to tape songs off the radio and were able to avoid the DJ at the start and end.
...The Care Bear you identified with most was Grumpy Bear.
...All you wanted for Christmas was a My Little Pony
...You used to check your wardrobe for signs of E.T. before going to bed every night.
...Your ideal job when you grew up was to be a Ghostbuster.
...And last but certainly not least, you know you grew up in the 80s if you had at least three of the things featured on our exclusive vintage 80s toys jumper from Mr Gugu and Miss Go. This jumper is sure to bring memories flooding back, how many can you name!?